Barut Hotels
Barut Club

Fountain Show Will Be At Arum Barut Collection Every Tuesday Between 6 May-28 October.

Fountain Show will be at Arum Barut Collection every Tuesday between 6 May-28 October.

The show, the first of which will be held at Arum Barut Collection on Tuesday 6 May, will be held on Tuesdays every week until 28 October.
Our shows will give you unforgettable moments at the most beautiful moments of the sunset, bringing together the soul-soothing sound of water and the dance of lights.
We wish you to enjoy this mesmerising event, which you can participate in immediately after a unique dinner with your family and friends.
A summer full of special memories awaits you at Arum Barut Collection!

*Hotel management reserves the right not to organise the event in adverse weather conditions.

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